Google Cloud, iap, proxy, identityPrivate instances access without an bastion host on GCPIdentity-Aware Proxy is a managed service that can control the access to your VM without an bastion host. alt text Enabling IAP tunneling by…
architectureZachman Framework ReferenceThe Zachman Framework is an enterprise ontology and is a fundamental structure for Enterprise Architecture which provides a formal and structured way of viewing and defining an enterprise.
openshiftHome Lab Setup based on Red Hat CodeReady ContainersThis is intended as a quick reference and explanation install CRC in a home lab. Downloads Download binary from Download…
narrativeTechnical Narrative ReferenceThis is intended as a quick reference and template to help writing technical narratives.
mysqlCalculate MySQL Memory FootprintThis is intended as a quick reference to calculate memory footprint of a mysql server.
Google CloudFormat and Mount Disk on GCP InstanceThis is intended as a quick reference and explanation of how to format and mount an gcp-persistent-disk to your compute engine VM instance…
pythonSetup a Python Development EnvironmentThis is intended as a quick reference for setting up a Python development environment.
helloHello World!Oh Jello! A “Hello, World!” program generally is a computer program that outputs or displays the message “Hello, World!“. Such a program is…