Private instances access without an bastion host on GCP
Identity-Aware Proxy is a managed service that can control the access to your VM without an bastion host.
Enabling IAP tunneling by adding ingress firewall rule from IAP’s forwarding netblock.
For SSH access:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-ssh-ingress-from-iap \
--direction=INGRESS \
--action=allow \
--rules=tcp:22 \
For other protocols (PORT based on protocol):
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-ingress-from-iap \
--direction=INGRESS \
--action=allow \
--rules=tcp:PORT \
IAP tunneling can be enforced via IAM permissions. (Grant the iap.tunnelResourceAccessor role to the user):
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
--member=user:EMAIL \
Access via “gcloud compute ssh” command with the “tunnel-though-iap” flag to connect to an instance.
gcloud compute ssh my-instance \
Access via local port forwarding.
gcloud compute ssh my-instance \
--tunnel-through-iap \
--ssh-flag="-N -L 3306:localhost:3306"